The staking contract enables T owners to have their wallets offline and their stake managed by staking providers on their behalf. The staking contract does not define operator role. The operator responsible for running off-chain client software is appointed by the staking provider in the particular application utilizing the staking contract. All off-chain client software should be able to run without exposing operator's or staking provider’s private key and should not require any owner’s keys at all. The stake delegation optimizes the network throughput without compromising the security of the owners’ stake.
Creates a delegation with msg.sender
owner with the given staking provider, beneficiary, and authorizer. Transfers the given amount of T to the staking contract.
The owner of the delegation needs to have the amount approved to transfer to the staking contract.
Copies delegation from the legacy KEEP staking contract to T staking contract. No tokens are transferred. Caches the active stake amount from KEEP staking contract. Can be called by anyone.
The staking provider in T staking contract is the legacy KEEP staking contract operator.
Copies delegation from the legacy NU staking contract to T staking contract, additionally appointing staking provider, beneficiary and authorizer roles. Caches the amount staked in NU staking contract. Can be called only by the original delegation owner.
Allows the Governance to set the minimum required stake amount. This amount is required to protect against griefing the staking contract and individual applications are allowed to require higher minimum stakes if necessary.
Allows the Governance to approve the particular application before individual stake authorizers are able to authorize it.
Increases the authorization of the given staking provider for the given application by the given amount. Can only be called by the authorizer for that staking provider.
Calls authorizationIncreased(address stakingProvider, uint256 amount)
on the given application to notify the application about authorization change. See IApplication
Requests decrease of the authorization for the given staking provider on the given application by the provided amount. It may not change the authorized amount immediatelly. When it happens depends on the application. Can only be called by the given staking provider’s authorizer. Overwrites pending authorization decrease for the given staking provider and application if the application agrees for that. If the application does not agree for overwriting, the function reverts.
Calls authorizationDecreaseRequested(address stakingProvider, uint256 amount)
on the given application. See IApplication
Requests decrease of all authorizations for the given staking provider on all applications by all authorized amount. It may not change the authorized amount immediatelly. When it happens depends on the application. Can only be called by the given staking provider’s authorizer. Overwrites pending authorization decrease for the given staking provider and application.
Calls authorizationDecreaseRequested(address stakingProvider, uint256 amount)
for each authorized application. See IApplication
Called by the application at its discretion to approve the previously requested authorization decrease request. Can only be called by the application that was previously requested to decrease the authorization for that staking provider. Returns resulting authorized amount for the application.
Decreases the authorization for the given stakingProvider
on the given disabled application
, for all authorized amount. Can be called by anyone.
Pauses the given application’s eligibility to slash stakes. Besides that stakers can't change authorization to the application. Can be called only by the Panic Button of the particular application. The paused application can not slash stakes until it is approved again by the Governance using approveApplication
function. Should be used only in case of an emergency.
Disables the given application. The disabled application can't slash stakers. Also stakers can't increase authorization to that application but can decrease without waiting by calling requestAuthorizationDecrease
at any moment. Can be called only by the governance. The disabled application can't be approved again. Should be used only in case of an emergency.
Sets the Panic Button role for the given application to the provided address. Can only be called by the Governance. If the Panic Button for the given application should be disabled, the role address should be set to 0x0 address.
Sets the maximum number of applications one staking provider can have authorized. Used to protect against DoSing slashing queue. Can only be called by the Governance.
Increases the amount of the stake for the given staking provider.
The sender of this transaction needs to have the amount approved to transfer to the staking contract.
Propagates information about stake top-up from the legacy KEEP staking contract to T staking contract. Can be called only by the owner or the staking provider.
Propagates information about stake top-up from the legacy NU staking contract to T staking contract. Can be called only by the owner or the staking provider.
Reduces the liquid T stake amount by the provided amount and withdraws T to the owner. Reverts if there is at least one authorization higher than the sum of the legacy stake and remaining liquid T stake or if the unstake amount is higher than the liquid T stake amount. Can be called only by the delegation owner or the staking provider.
Sets the legacy KEEP staking contract active stake amount cached in T staking contract to 0. Reverts if the amount of liquid T staked in T staking contract is lower than the highest application authorization. This function allows to unstake from KEEP staking contract and still being able to operate in T network and earning rewards based on the liquid T staked. Can be called only by the delegation owner or the staking provider.
Reduces cached legacy NU stake amount by the provided amount. Reverts if there is at least one authorization higher than the sum of remaining legacy NU stake and liquid T stake for that staking provider or if the untaked amount is higher than the cached legacy stake amount. If succeeded, the legacy NU stake can be partially or fully undelegated on the legacy staking contract. This function allows to unstake from NU staking contract and still being able to operate in T network and earning rewards based on the liquid T staked. Can be called only by the delegation owner or the staking provider.
Sets cached legacy stake amount to 0, sets the liquid T stake amount to 0 and withdraws all liquid T from the stake to the owner. Reverts if there is at least one non-zero authorization. Can be called only by the delegation owner or the staking provider.
Notifies about the discrepancy between legacy KEEP active stake and the amount cached in T staking contract. Slashes the staking provider in case the amount cached is higher than the actual active stake amount in KEEP staking contract. Needs to update authorizations of all affected applications and execute an involuntary allocation decrease on all affected applications. Can be called by anyone, notifier receives a reward.
Notifies about the discrepancy between legacy NU active stake and the amount cached in T staking contract. Slashes the staking provider in case the amount cached is higher than the actual active stake amount in NU staking contract. Needs to update authorizations of all affected applications and execute an involuntary allocation decrease on all affected applications. Can be called by anyone, notifier receives a reward.
Sets the penalty amount for stake discrepancy and reward multiplier for reporting it. The penalty is seized from the delegated stake, and 5% of the penalty, scaled by the multiplier, is given to the notifier. The rest of the tokens are burned. Can only be called by the Governance. See seize
Sets reward in T tokens for notification of misbehaviour of one staking provider. Can only be called by the governance.
Transfer some amount of T tokens as reward for notifications of misbehaviour
Withdraw some amount of T tokens from notifiers treasury. Can only be called by the governance.
Adds staking providers to the slashing queue along with the amount that should be slashed from each one of them. Can only be called by application authorized for all staking providers in the array.
Adds staking providers to the slashing queue along with the amount. The notifier will receive reward per each staking provider from notifiers treasury. Can only be called by application authorized for all staking providers in the array.
Takes the given number of queued slashing operations and processes them. Receives 5% of the slashed amount. Executes involuntaryAllocationDecrease
function on each affected application.
Returns the authorized stake amount of the staking provider for the application.
Returns staked amount of T, Keep and Nu for the specified staking provider.
All values are in T denomination
Returns start staking timestamp.
This value is set at most once.
Returns staked amount of NU for the specified staking provider.
Gets the stake owner, the beneficiary and the authorizer for the specified staking provider address.
Return Values
Stake owner address.
address payable
Beneficiary address.
Authorizer address.
Returns length of application array
Returns length of slashing queue
Returns minimum possible stake for T, KEEP or NU in T denomination.
For example, suppose the given staking provider has 10 T, 20 T worth of KEEP, and 30 T worth of NU all staked, and the maximum application authorization is 40 T, then getMinStaked
for that staking provider returns:
0 T if KEEP stake type specified i.e. min = 40 T max - (10 T + 30 T worth of NU) = 0 T
10 T if NU stake type specified i.e. min = 40 T max - (10 T + 20 T worth of KEEP) = 10 T
0 T if T stake type specified i.e. min = 40 T max - (20 T worth of KEEP + 30 T worth of NU) < 0 T In other words, the minimum stake amount for the specified stake type is the minimum amount of stake of the given type needed to satisfy the maximum application authorization given the staked amounts of the other stake types for that staking provider.
Returns available amount to authorize for the specified application
Last updated
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