

The wallet coordinator contract aims to facilitate the coordination of the off-chain wallet members during complex multi-chain wallet operations like deposit sweeping, redemptions, or moving funds. Such processes involve various moving parts and many steps that each individual wallet member must do. Given the distributed nature of the off-chain wallet software, full off-chain implementation is challenging and prone to errors, especially byzantine faults. This contract provides a single and trusted on-chain coordination point thus taking the riskiest part out of the off-chain software. The off-chain wallet members can focus on the core tasks and do not bother about electing a trusted coordinator or aligning internal states using complex consensus algorithms.


enum WalletAction {


struct WalletLock {
  uint32 expiresAt;
  enum WalletCoordinator.WalletAction cause;


struct DepositSweepProposal {
  bytes20 walletPubKeyHash;
  struct WalletCoordinator.DepositKey[] depositsKeys;
  uint256 sweepTxFee;
  uint256[] depositsRevealBlocks;


struct DepositKey {
  bytes32 fundingTxHash;
  uint32 fundingOutputIndex;


struct DepositExtraInfo {
  struct BitcoinTx.Info fundingTx;
  bytes8 blindingFactor;
  bytes20 walletPubKeyHash;
  bytes20 refundPubKeyHash;
  bytes4 refundLocktime;


struct RedemptionProposal {
  bytes20 walletPubKeyHash;
  bytes[] redeemersOutputScripts;
  uint256 redemptionTxFee;


mapping(address => bool) isCoordinator

Mapping that holds addresses allowed to submit proposals and request heartbeats.


mapping(bytes20 => struct WalletCoordinator.WalletLock) walletLock

Mapping that holds wallet time locks. The key is a 20-byte wallet public key hash.


contract Bridge bridge

Handle to the Bridge contract.


uint32 heartbeatRequestValidity

Determines the wallet heartbeat request validity time. In other words, this is the worst-case time for a wallet heartbeat during which the wallet is busy and canot take other actions. This is also the duration of the time lock applied to the wallet once a new heartbeat request is submitted.

For example, if a deposit sweep proposal was submitted at 2 pm and heartbeatRequestValidity is 1 hour, the next request or proposal (of any type) can be submitted after 3 pm.


uint32 heartbeatRequestGasOffset

Gas that is meant to balance the heartbeat request overall cost. Can be updated by the owner based on the current conditions.


uint32 depositSweepProposalValidity

Determines the deposit sweep proposal validity time. In other words, this is the worst-case time for a deposit sweep during which the wallet is busy and cannot take another actions. This is also the duration of the time lock applied to the wallet once a new deposit sweep proposal is submitted.

For example, if a deposit sweep proposal was submitted at 2 pm and depositSweepProposalValidity is 4 hours, the next proposal (of any type) can be submitted after 6 pm.


uint32 depositMinAge

The minimum time that must elapse since the deposit reveal before a deposit becomes eligible for a deposit sweep.

For example, if a deposit was revealed at 9 am and depositMinAge is 2 hours, the deposit is eligible for sweep after 11 am.

Forcing deposit minimum age ensures block finality for Ethereum. In the happy path case, i.e. where the deposit is revealed immediately after being broadcast on the Bitcoin network, the minimum age check also ensures block finality for Bitcoin.


uint32 depositRefundSafetyMargin

Each deposit can be technically swept until it reaches its refund timestamp after which it can be taken back by the depositor. However, allowing the wallet to sweep deposits that are close to their refund timestamp may cause a race between the wallet and the depositor. In result, the wallet may sign an invalid sweep transaction that aims to sweep an already refunded deposit. Such tx signature may be used to create an undefeatable fraud challenge against the wallet. In order to mitigate that problem, this parameter determines a safety margin that puts the latest moment a deposit can be swept far before the point after which the deposit becomes refundable.

For example, if a deposit becomes refundable after 8 pm and depositRefundSafetyMargin is 6 hours, the deposit is valid for for a sweep only before 2 pm.


uint16 depositSweepMaxSize

The maximum count of deposits that can be swept within a single sweep.


uint32 depositSweepProposalSubmissionGasOffset

Gas that is meant to balance the deposit sweep proposal submission overall cost. Can be updated by the owner based on the current conditions.


uint32 redemptionProposalValidity

Determines the redemption proposal validity time. In other words, this is the worst-case time for a redemption during which the wallet is busy and cannot take another actions. This is also the duration of the time lock applied to the wallet once a new redemption proposal is submitted.

For example, if a redemption proposal was submitted at 2 pm and redemptionProposalValidity is 2 hours, the next proposal (of any type) can be submitted after 4 pm.


uint32 redemptionRequestMinAge

The minimum time that must elapse since the redemption request creation before a request becomes eligible for a processing.

For example, if a request was created at 9 am and redemptionRequestMinAge is 2 hours, the request is eligible for processing after 11 am.

Forcing request minimum age ensures block finality for Ethereum.


uint32 redemptionRequestTimeoutSafetyMargin

Each redemption request can be technically handled until it reaches its timeout timestamp after which it can be reported as timed out. However, allowing the wallet to handle requests that are close to their timeout timestamp may cause a race between the wallet and the redeemer. In result, the wallet may redeem the requested funds even though the redeemer already received back their tBTC (locked during redemption request) upon reporting the request timeout. In effect, the redeemer may end out with both tBTC and redeemed BTC in their hands which has a negative impact on the tBTC <-> BTC peg. In order to mitigate that problem, this parameter determines a safety margin that puts the latest moment a request can be handled far before the point after which the request can be reported as timed out.

For example, if a request times out after 8 pm and redemptionRequestTimeoutSafetyMargin is 2 hours, the request is valid for processing only before 6 pm.


uint16 redemptionMaxSize

The maximum count of redemption requests that can be processed within a single redemption.


uint32 redemptionProposalSubmissionGasOffset

Gas that is meant to balance the redemption proposal submission overall cost. Can be updated by the owner based on the current conditions.


event CoordinatorAdded(address coordinator)


event CoordinatorRemoved(address coordinator)


event WalletManuallyUnlocked(bytes20 walletPubKeyHash)


event HeartbeatRequestParametersUpdated(uint32 heartbeatRequestValidity, uint32 heartbeatRequestGasOffset)


event HeartbeatRequestSubmitted(bytes20 walletPubKeyHash, bytes message, address coordinator)


event DepositSweepProposalParametersUpdated(uint32 depositSweepProposalValidity, uint32 depositMinAge, uint32 depositRefundSafetyMargin, uint16 depositSweepMaxSize, uint32 depositSweepProposalSubmissionGasOffset)


event DepositSweepProposalSubmitted(struct WalletCoordinator.DepositSweepProposal proposal, address coordinator)


event RedemptionProposalParametersUpdated(uint32 redemptionProposalValidity, uint32 redemptionRequestMinAge, uint32 redemptionRequestTimeoutSafetyMargin, uint16 redemptionMaxSize, uint32 redemptionProposalSubmissionGasOffset)


event RedemptionProposalSubmitted(struct WalletCoordinator.RedemptionProposal proposal, address coordinator)


modifier onlyCoordinator()


modifier onlyAfterWalletLock(bytes20 walletPubKeyHash)


modifier onlyReimbursableAdmin()


function initialize(contract Bridge _bridge) external


function addCoordinator(address coordinator) external

Adds the given address to the set of coordinator addresses.


  • The caller must be the owner,

  • The coordinator must not be an existing coordinator.



function removeCoordinator(address coordinator) external

Removes the given address from the set of coordinator addresses.


  • The caller must be the owner,

  • The coordinator must be an existing coordinator.



function unlockWallet(bytes20 walletPubKeyHash) external

Allows to unlock the given wallet before their time lock expires. This function should be used in exceptional cases where something went wrong and there is a need to unlock the wallet without waiting.


  • The caller must be the owner.



function updateHeartbeatRequestParameters(uint32 _heartbeatRequestValidity, uint32 _heartbeatRequestGasOffset) external

Updates parameters related to heartbeat request.


  • The caller must be the owner.



function updateDepositSweepProposalParameters(uint32 _depositSweepProposalValidity, uint32 _depositMinAge, uint32 _depositRefundSafetyMargin, uint16 _depositSweepMaxSize, uint32 _depositSweepProposalSubmissionGasOffset) external

Updates parameters related to deposit sweep proposal.


  • The caller must be the owner.



function requestHeartbeat(bytes20 walletPubKeyHash, bytes message) public

Submits a heartbeat request from the wallet. Locks the wallet for a specific time, equal to the request validity period. This function validates the proposed heartbeat messge to see if it matches the heartbeat format expected by the Bridge.


  • The caller is a coordinator,

  • The wallet is not time-locked,

  • The message to sign is a valid heartbeat message.



function requestHeartbeatWithReimbursement(bytes20 walletPubKeyHash, bytes message) external

Wraps requestHeartbeat call and reimburses the caller's transaction cost.

See requestHeartbeat function documentation.


function submitDepositSweepProposal(struct WalletCoordinator.DepositSweepProposal proposal) public

Submits a deposit sweep proposal. Locks the target wallet for a specific time, equal to the proposal validity period. This function does not store the proposal in the state but just emits an event that serves as a guiding light for wallet off-chain members. Wallet members are supposed to validate the proposal on their own, before taking any action.


  • The caller is a coordinator,

  • The wallet is not time-locked.



function submitDepositSweepProposalWithReimbursement(struct WalletCoordinator.DepositSweepProposal proposal) external

Wraps submitDepositSweepProposal call and reimburses the caller's transaction cost.

See submitDepositSweepProposal function documentation.


function validateDepositSweepProposal(struct WalletCoordinator.DepositSweepProposal proposal, struct WalletCoordinator.DepositExtraInfo[] depositsExtraInfo) external view returns (bool)

View function encapsulating the main rules of a valid deposit sweep proposal. This function is meant to facilitate the off-chain validation of the incoming proposals. Thanks to it, most of the work can be done using a single readonly contract call. Worth noting, the validation done here is not exhaustive as some conditions may not be verifiable within the on-chain function or checking them may be easier on the off-chain side. For example, this function does not check the SPV proofs and confirmations of the deposit funding transactions as this would require an integration with the difficulty relay that greatly increases complexity. Instead of that, each off-chain wallet member is supposed to do that check on their own.


  • The target wallet must be in the Live state,

  • The number of deposits included in the sweep must be in the range [1, depositSweepMaxSize],

  • The length of depositsExtraInfo array must be equal to the length of proposal.depositsKeys, i.e. each deposit must have exactly one set of corresponding extra data,

  • The proposed sweep tx fee must be grater than zero,

  • The proposed maximum per-deposit sweep tx fee must be lesser than or equal the maximum fee allowed by the Bridge (Bridge.depositTxMaxFee),

  • Each deposit must be revealed to the Bridge,

  • Each deposit must be old enough, i.e. at least depositMinAge elapsed since their reveal time,

  • Each deposit must not be swept yet,

  • Each deposit must have valid extra data (see validateDepositExtraInfo),

  • Each deposit must have the refund safety margin preserved,

  • Each deposit must be controlled by the same wallet,

  • Each deposit must target the same vault,

  • Each deposit must be unique.

The following off-chain validation must be performed as a bare minimum:

  • Inputs used for the sweep transaction have enough Bitcoin confirmations,

  • Deposits revealed to the Bridge have enough Ethereum confirmations.


Return Values


function validateSweepTxFee(uint256 sweepTxFee, uint256 depositsCount) internal view

Validates the sweep tx fee by checking if the part of the fee incurred by each deposit does not exceed the maximum value allowed by the Bridge. This function is heavily based on DepositSweep.depositSweepTxFeeDistribution function.


  • The sweep tx fee must be grater than zero,

  • The maximum per-deposit sweep tx fee must be lesser than or equal the maximum fee allowed by the Bridge (Bridge.depositTxMaxFee).



function validateDepositExtraInfo(struct WalletCoordinator.DepositKey depositKey, address depositor, struct WalletCoordinator.DepositExtraInfo depositExtraInfo) internal view

Validates the extra data for the given deposit. This function is heavily based on Deposit.revealDeposit function.


  • The transaction hash computed using depositExtraInfo.fundingTx must match the depositKey.fundingTxHash. This requirement ensures the funding transaction data provided in the extra data container actually represent the funding transaction of the given deposit.

  • The P2(W)SH script inferred from depositExtraInfo is actually used to lock funds by the depositKey.fundingOutputIndex output of the depositExtraInfo.fundingTx transaction. This requirement ensures the reveal data provided in the extra data container actually matches the given deposit.



function updateRedemptionProposalParameters(uint32 _redemptionProposalValidity, uint32 _redemptionRequestMinAge, uint32 _redemptionRequestTimeoutSafetyMargin, uint16 _redemptionMaxSize, uint32 _redemptionProposalSubmissionGasOffset) external

Updates parameters related to redemption proposal.


  • The caller must be the owner.



function submitRedemptionProposal(struct WalletCoordinator.RedemptionProposal proposal) public

Submits a redemption proposal. Locks the target wallet for a specific time, equal to the proposal validity period. This function does not store the proposal in the state but just emits an event that serves as a guiding light for wallet off-chain members. Wallet members are supposed to validate the proposal on their own, before taking any action.


  • The caller is a coordinator,

  • The wallet is not time-locked.



function submitRedemptionProposalWithReimbursement(struct WalletCoordinator.RedemptionProposal proposal) external

Wraps submitRedemptionProposal call and reimburses the caller's transaction cost.

See submitRedemptionProposal function documentation.


function validateRedemptionProposal(struct WalletCoordinator.RedemptionProposal proposal) external view returns (bool)

View function encapsulating the main rules of a valid redemption proposal. This function is meant to facilitate the off-chain validation of the incoming proposals. Thanks to it, most of the work can be done using a single readonly contract call.


  • The target wallet must be in the Live state,

  • The number of redemption requests included in the redemption proposal must be in the range [1, redemptionMaxSize],

  • The proposed redemption tx fee must be grater than zero,

  • The proposed redemption tx fee must be lesser than or equal to the maximum total fee allowed by the Bridge (Bridge.redemptionTxMaxTotalFee),

  • The proposed maximum per-request redemption tx fee share must be lesser than or equal to the maximum fee share allowed by the given request (RedemptionRequest.txMaxFee),

  • Each request must be a pending request registered in the Bridge,

  • Each request must be old enough, i.e. at least redemptionRequestMinAge elapsed since their creation time,

  • Each request must have the timeout safety margin preserved,

  • Each request must be unique.


Return Values

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