

Maintainers are the willing off-chain clients approved by the governance. Maintainers proxy calls to the Bridge contract via 'MaintainerProxy' and are refunded for the spent gas from the ReimbursementPool. There are two types of maintainers: wallet maintainers and SPV maintainers.


contract Bridge bridge


mapping(address => uint256) isWalletMaintainer

Authorized wallet maintainers that can interact with the set of functions for wallet maintainers only. Authorization can be granted and removed by the governance.

'Key' is the address of the maintainer. 'Value' represents an index+1 in the 'maintainers' array. 1 was added so the maintainer index can never be 0 which is a reserved index for a non-existent maintainer in this map.


address[] walletMaintainers

This list of wallet maintainers keeps the order of which wallet maintainer should be submitting a next transaction. It does not enforce the order but only tracks who should be next in line.


mapping(address => uint256) isSpvMaintainer

Authorized SPV maintainers that can interact with the set of functions for SPV maintainers only. Authorization can be granted and removed by the governance.

'Key' is the address of the maintainer. 'Value' represents an index+1 in the 'maintainers' array. 1 was added so the maintainer index can never be 0 which is a reserved index for a non-existent maintainer in this map.


address[] spvMaintainers

This list of SPV maintainers keeps the order of which SPV maintainer should be submitting a next transaction. It does not enforce the order but only tracks who should be next in line.


uint256 submitDepositSweepProofGasOffset

Gas that is meant to balance the submission of deposit sweep proof overall cost. Can be updated by the governance based on the current market conditions.


uint256 submitRedemptionProofGasOffset

Gas that is meant to balance the submission of redemption proof overall cost. Can be updated by the governance based on the current market conditions.


uint256 resetMovingFundsTimeoutGasOffset

Gas that is meant to balance the reset of moving funds timeout overall cost. Can be updated by the governance based on the current market conditions.


uint256 submitMovingFundsProofGasOffset

Gas that is meant to balance the submission of moving funds proof overall cost. Can be updated by the governance based on the current market conditions.


uint256 notifyMovingFundsBelowDustGasOffset

Gas that is meant to balance the notification of moving funds below dust overall cost. Can be updated by the governance based on the current market conditions.


uint256 submitMovedFundsSweepProofGasOffset

Gas that is meant to balance the submission of moved funds sweep proof overall cost. Can be updated by the governance based on the current market conditions.


uint256 requestNewWalletGasOffset

Gas that is meant to balance the request of a new wallet overall cost. Can be updated by the governance based on the current market conditions.


uint256 notifyWalletCloseableGasOffset

Gas that is meant to balance the notification of closeable wallet overall cost. Can be updated by the governance based on the current market conditions.


uint256 notifyWalletClosingPeriodElapsedGasOffset

Gas that is meant to balance the notification of wallet closing period elapsed overall cost. Can be updated by the governance based on the current market conditions.


uint256 defeatFraudChallengeGasOffset

Gas that is meant to balance the defeat fraud challenge overall cost. Can be updated by the governance based on the current market conditions.


uint256 defeatFraudChallengeWithHeartbeatGasOffset

Gas that is meant to balance the defeat fraud challenge with heartbeat overall cost. Can be updated by the governance based on the current market conditions.


event WalletMaintainerAuthorized(address maintainer)


event WalletMaintainerUnauthorized(address maintainer)


event SpvMaintainerAuthorized(address maintainer)


event SpvMaintainerUnauthorized(address maintainer)


event BridgeUpdated(address newBridge)


event GasOffsetParametersUpdated(uint256 submitDepositSweepProofGasOffset, uint256 submitRedemptionProofGasOffset, uint256 resetMovingFundsTimeoutGasOffset, uint256 submitMovingFundsProofGasOffset, uint256 notifyMovingFundsBelowDustGasOffset, uint256 submitMovedFundsSweepProofGasOffset, uint256 requestNewWalletGasOffset, uint256 notifyWalletCloseableGasOffset, uint256 notifyWalletClosingPeriodElapsedGasOffset, uint256 defeatFraudChallengeGasOffset, uint256 defeatFraudChallengeWithHeartbeatGasOffset)


modifier onlyWalletMaintainer()


modifier onlySpvMaintainer()


modifier onlyReimbursableAdmin()


constructor(contract Bridge _bridge, contract ReimbursementPool _reimbursementPool) public


function submitDepositSweepProof(struct BitcoinTx.Info sweepTx, struct BitcoinTx.Proof sweepProof, struct BitcoinTx.UTXO mainUtxo, address vault) external

Wraps Bridge.submitDepositSweepProof call and reimburses the caller's transaction cost.

See Bridge.submitDepositSweepProof function documentation.


function submitRedemptionProof(struct BitcoinTx.Info redemptionTx, struct BitcoinTx.Proof redemptionProof, struct BitcoinTx.UTXO mainUtxo, bytes20 walletPubKeyHash) external

Wraps Bridge.submitRedemptionProof call and reimburses the caller's transaction cost.

See Bridge.submitRedemptionProof function documentation.


function resetMovingFundsTimeout(bytes20 walletPubKeyHash) external

Wraps Bridge.resetMovingFundsTimeout call and reimburses the caller's transaction cost.

See Bridge.resetMovingFundsTimeout function documentation.


function submitMovingFundsProof(struct BitcoinTx.Info movingFundsTx, struct BitcoinTx.Proof movingFundsProof, struct BitcoinTx.UTXO mainUtxo, bytes20 walletPubKeyHash) external

Wraps Bridge.submitMovingFundsProof call and reimburses the caller's transaction cost.

See Bridge.submitMovingFundsProof function documentation.


function notifyMovingFundsBelowDust(bytes20 walletPubKeyHash, struct BitcoinTx.UTXO mainUtxo) external

Wraps Bridge.notifyMovingFundsBelowDust call and reimburses the caller's transaction cost.

See Bridge.notifyMovingFundsBelowDust function documentation.


function submitMovedFundsSweepProof(struct BitcoinTx.Info sweepTx, struct BitcoinTx.Proof sweepProof, struct BitcoinTx.UTXO mainUtxo) external

Wraps Bridge.submitMovedFundsSweepProof call and reimburses the caller's transaction cost.

See Bridge.submitMovedFundsSweepProof function documentation.


function requestNewWallet(struct BitcoinTx.UTXO activeWalletMainUtxo) external

Wraps Bridge.requestNewWallet call and reimburses the caller's transaction cost.

See Bridge.requestNewWallet function documentation.


function notifyWalletCloseable(bytes20 walletPubKeyHash, struct BitcoinTx.UTXO walletMainUtxo) external

Wraps Bridge.notifyWalletCloseable call and reimburses the caller's transaction cost.

See Bridge.notifyWalletCloseable function documentation.


function notifyWalletClosingPeriodElapsed(bytes20 walletPubKeyHash) external

Wraps Bridge.notifyWalletClosingPeriodElapsed call and reimburses the caller's transaction cost.

See Bridge.notifyWalletClosingPeriodElapsed function documentation.


function defeatFraudChallenge(bytes walletPublicKey, bytes preimage, bool witness) external

Wraps Bridge.defeatFraudChallenge call and reimburses the caller's transaction cost.

See Bridge.defeatFraudChallenge function documentation.


function defeatFraudChallengeWithHeartbeat(bytes walletPublicKey, bytes heartbeatMessage) external

Wraps Bridge.defeatFraudChallengeWithHeartbeat call and reimburses the caller's transaction cost.

See Bridge.defeatFraudChallengeWithHeartbeat function documentation.


function authorizeWalletMaintainer(address maintainer) external

Authorize a wallet maintainer that can interact with this reimbursement pool. Can be authorized by the owner only.



function authorizeSpvMaintainer(address maintainer) external

Authorize an SPV maintainer that can interact with this reimbursement pool. Can be authorized by the owner only.



function unauthorizeWalletMaintainer(address maintainerToUnauthorize) external

Unauthorize a wallet maintainer that was previously authorized to interact with the Maintainer Proxy contract. Can be unauthorized by the owner only.

The last maintainer is swapped with the one to be unauthorized. The unauthorized maintainer is then removed from the list. An index of the last maintainer is changed with the removed maintainer. Ex. 'walletMaintainers' list: [0x1, 0x2, 0x3, 0x4, 0x5] 'isWalletMaintainer' map: [0x1 -> 1, 0x2 -> 2, 0x3 -> 3, 0x4 -> 4, 0x5 -> 5] unauthorize: 0x3 new 'walletMaintainers' list: [0x1, 0x2, 0x5, 0x4] new 'isWalletMaintainer' map: [0x1 -> 1, 0x2 -> 2, 0x4 -> 4, 0x5 -> 3]



function unauthorizeSpvMaintainer(address maintainerToUnauthorize) external

Unauthorize an SPV maintainer that was previously authorized to interact with the Maintainer Proxy contract. Can be unauthorized by the owner only.

The last maintainer is swapped with the one to be unauthorized. The unauthorized maintainer is then removed from the list. An index of the last maintainer is changed with the removed maintainer. Ex. 'spvMaintainers' list: [0x1, 0x2, 0x3, 0x4, 0x5] 'isSpvMaintainer' map: [0x1 -> 1, 0x2 -> 2, 0x3 -> 3, 0x4 -> 4, 0x5 -> 5] unauthorize: 0x3 new 'spvMaintainers' list: [0x1, 0x2, 0x5, 0x4] new 'isSpvMaintainer' map: [0x1 -> 1, 0x2 -> 2, 0x4 -> 4, 0x5 -> 3]



function updateBridge(contract Bridge _bridge) external

Allows the Governance to upgrade the Bridge address.

The function does not implement any governance delay and does not check the status of the Bridge. The Governance implementation needs to ensure all requirements for the upgrade are satisfied before executing this function.


function updateGasOffsetParameters(uint256 newSubmitDepositSweepProofGasOffset, uint256 newSubmitRedemptionProofGasOffset, uint256 newResetMovingFundsTimeoutGasOffset, uint256 newSubmitMovingFundsProofGasOffset, uint256 newNotifyMovingFundsBelowDustGasOffset, uint256 newSubmitMovedFundsSweepProofGasOffset, uint256 newRequestNewWalletGasOffset, uint256 newNotifyWalletCloseableGasOffset, uint256 newNotifyWalletClosingPeriodElapsedGasOffset, uint256 newDefeatFraudChallengeGasOffset, uint256 newDefeatFraudChallengeWithHeartbeatGasOffset) external

Updates the values of gas offset parameters.

Can be called only by the contract owner. The caller is responsible for validating parameters.



function allWalletMaintainers() external view returns (address[])

Gets an entire array of wallet maintainer addresses.


function allSpvMaintainers() external view returns (address[])

Gets an entire array of SPV maintainer addresses.

Last updated