TACo Node Management

Node Management

Automatically Upgrade Node

Configure your server to automatically update any running docker containers, via Watchtower. This will relaunch your node with the same environment and commands whenever a new version of nucypher is published. For more information check out the official Watchtower documentation.

docker run --detach \
--name watchtower   \
--restart unless-stopped \
--volume /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock \
containrrr/watchtower ursula --cleanup

Manually Upgrade Node

Alternatively, you can manually update your node. This means checking for new version releases in the Threshold announcements channel, then running the following commands to upgrade your node.

# Stop container
$ docker stop ursula && docker rm ursula

# Get latest image
$ docker pull nucypher/nucypher:latest

# Start node 
$ docker run -d                   \
--name ursula                     \
--restart unless-stopped          \
-v ~/.local/share/nucypher:/root/.local/share/nucypher:rw \
-v ~/.cache/nucypher:/root/.cache/nucypher:rw \
-v ~/.ethereum/:/root/.ethereum:ro   \
-p 9151:9151                      \
--env-file nucypher.env           \
nucypher/nucypher:latest          \
nucypher ursula run 

If you run into errors, note that you have to stop the node from running before attempting to troubleshoot or attempting a different configuration.

To confirm that your node is now running the latest version, you can use any browser to check your node's status page. You may need to skip through a warning page.


Update Node Configuration

Configuration settings will be stored in an Ursula configuration file, ursula.json, stored in /home/<user>/.local/share/nucypher by default.

After making configuration changes, the node must be restarted for those changes to take effect.

Last updated